Environmental/Social Impact

In parallel with the technical feasibility study, an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) was conducted by Studio Pietrangeli consultants of Italy in partnership with Zambian companies African Mining Consultants (AMC) and Ecowise Solutions. The study was carried out in two components, namely, for the Cascade scheme (hydro) and for the Transmission lines. Comprehensive stakeholder consultations were done among the local community, traditional Leaders, Local Government Administration, Provincial Administration and central Government.

The Cascade scheme was completed and submitted to Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) in August 2016 and was subsequently approved by ZEMA in January 2017. The transmission line ESIA study was delayed due to a change in the grid termination substation from the original Kasama substation to the new Mporokoso substation. The study has since been completed and was approved by ZEMA in September 2018.